次田 心平 / Shimpei Tsugita
2015年にはセルジオ・カロリーノ氏とデュオコンサートのツアーも行なった(東京公演のライブ録音が「Yamaha Tuba Duo/Super Live!」としてオクタヴィア・レコードよりリリースされている)。
また、侍Brass、ワーヘリ、The Tuba band、なにわ《オーケストラル》ウィンズのメンバーとしても演奏活動およびCD録音を行なっている。
侍ブラス メンバー ARKBRASS メンバー
The Tuba Band メンバー
ワーヘリ メンバー
〈B&S〉Fテューバ: BS5099,
CCテューバ:BS3198, BS3098(銀めっき), BS MRP-C “Daniel Perantoni”
〈ベッソン〉CC テューバ BE 995(銀めっき)
Tubist des Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra Shimpei Tsugita was born in Kyoto and graduated from Kyoto Ongaku High School. In 1998, he entered Kyoto City University of Arts. While there, he was elected a Junior Fellow in the Pacific Music Festival and studied with Kenneth Amis. He was also a semi-finalist at the International Tuba Contest in Canada. Tsugita then spent time in Indiana as a guest and student of Daniel Perantoni. In 2001, Tsugita was chosen as an official member of the Pacific Music Festival. He won 4th place, tuba category at the 18th Japan Musical Education and Culture Promotion Society Contest and 3rd Prize at the 21st Contest. In 2002, he graduated as a principal tuba major, receiving the Musical Category Award and Kyoto Musical Association Award. Between 2003 and 2008, he was a member of, and soloist with the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. Tsugita now belongs to the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra and is a clinician for secondary school music clubs. He teaches at Senzoku Gakuen University of Music and Sanyo Girls High School, and is active as a soloist, studio musician and performer with premier ensembles such as the Samurai Brass, Japan Tube Soloists and the Tuba Band .